Terry’s Relationship

Hi Progresser

To honestly consider DV!
Don’t be afraid

Recently, Carol, a highly valued Support Associate with us, sent me a  3½ minute video – the contents of which I thought that I would discuss with you.

The video cites ‘Terry’ discussing how he saw the changes in women as they get older, as he describes ‘Lorraine’ his “ageing wife”.

Terry proceeded to describe how as Lorraine’s housekeeping skills had deteriorated as she had become older and he ‘tried not to yell at her’. He reasoned that she had  become more over-sensitive. Terry informed that he had now retired; and that Lorraine had now taken on a full-time job, to supplement her part-time job – which benefitted their income and health benefits.

Terry explained how his daily routine revolved around him going to the Golf Club on a daily basis, eating lunch at the club-house, and expecting to go home in the evening to have ‘some home-cooked grub’, prepared by Lorraine, upon her finishing work. He reasoned that going out for an evening meal was out of the question, due to him eating out earlier!

Terry proudly stated that he would not insist that Lorraine commence the evening meal straight away, as she could have a rest first! After completing the meal, he told how the plates would often remain on the table for several hours afterwards and that he would diplomatically say to Lorraine “the plates won’t clean themselves”. He stated that this would act as a way to motivate Lorraine to get them done more quickly.

In discussing how Lorraine was now ageing and ‘slowing up’, he spoke of her complaining about the need to make better use of her lunch timer to pay bills, even suggesting that missing lunch every now and again, may actually serve Lorraine well!

Terry proudly stated that he has now mellowed, become more patient and considerate, does not shout, shows less criticism and has become more tactful, as he ‘now allows’, Lorraine to stop for a break whilst she is mowing the lawn. Terry reasoned that this was beneficial as he ‘allowed her to make some freshly squeezed lemonade, as whilst she was making one for herself, she could make him one’!

Terry was self-effusive in suggesting that he was “maybe a Saint by the way that I supported my wife”, but closed by saying that ‘we were put on the earth to help each other’!

By now, I can see you shaking your head in exasperation……..

Shortly after the ending of the video – the credit at the of end concluded that Terry was found dead of a perforated rectum.

The Police report stated that he was found with a Calloway Extra Long 50” Big Bertha driver Golf club jammed up his rear and a sledge hammer nearby!

The cause of death was listed as Covid-19.

My question to you is do you know a ‘Terry’, or more importantly; do you know a  ‘Lorraine’, who is in a Relationship or a Dictatorship?

Since Covid-19 (and quite frankly long before that), relationships have been placed under greater stresses and pressures, with many literally falling apart at the seams!

Is it any wonder, when one considers pervasive attitudes such as those held by Terry?

Relationships should always aim to enhance.

Just goes to show that Terry’s, not always gold!

If you would like to see the video, please email us and we will share it with you.

If you or a someone that you care about would like to discuss anything in a private and confidential manner with regard to any thoughts or feelings which are currently being experienced, feel free to have a conversation about it.

You can be assured that you will at least leave the conversation, better than you started it!

Keep Progressing


P.s Whilst we would never condone violence, do you believe that it was Covid -19?