Losing a loved one, regardless of the circumstances can be a very painful episode. The pain, stress, and anxiety can simply be unbearable. The psychological impact can also affect our mental health.

Though we may never truly ‘get over’ the loss or the feelings of emptiness associated with grieving, it is important to mourn and reflect upon the loss, (where possible), safely and positively in an attempt to move on from the personal tragedy.

People-Progress will help to assist with the process of ‘putting the pieces back together again’ and will enable you to function effectively, ensuring that importantly – ‘you don’t give up or give in’!

We will provide you with the counselling, guidance, support, or coaching required to positively enhance your position and ‘broaden your horizon’.

In 3 sessions, we will help with the ‘healing process’, and uplift you whilst easing the pain.

 You don’t have to suffer or feel that you are alone…..